Ranks in the Marines | Enlisted and Officers Ranks Described!

Marine Corps customs and courtesies are a big part of the Corps and Recruits must learn and memorize the various ranks in the Marines. You will address your superiors by their respective ranks. In this article, we’re going to cover every rank in the Marine Corps and give you a detailed understanding of each. If…

Are You Considering Joining The Marines in 2022? | Don’t Fall VICTIM To This!

Joining the Marine Corps is a dream for many, but a reality for a very select few. It is what makes the Marine Corps so special. The Few The Proud. Are You Considering Joining the Marines in 2022? I am here to talk about a few common reasons people fail to follow their dream of…

Marine Corps Boot Camp Schedule | Week-by-Week Guide (2023 Update)

Marine Corps Boot Camp is undoubtedly one of the toughest basic training programs in all of the U.S. Armed Forces. Broken into four phases, 1st phase, 2nd phase, 3rd phase, and 4th phase, you will be tested both mentally and physically for the duration of your stay. If you are considering joining, read on for…