Marine Corps Poolee | Delayed Entry Program EXPLAINED!
If you’re considering joining the Marine Corps, there are certain phases you must go through before earning the title. After enlisting in the Marine Corps you will enter what is called the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) or “Poole” Program. Depending on what Military Occupational Skill (MOS) you selected, you can remain in the DEP program for up to a year while you await a ship-out date. In this article, we will explain what a Poolee is, what life as a Poolee looks like, and answer some common questions about the Delayed Entry Program.
What is a Poolee?
As described above, a Poolee is an individual who has enlisted in the Marine Corps. Once you have spoken to a Marine Corps Recruiter, selected a MOS, and signed a contract to become a United States Marine you will then become a Marine Poolee. A Poolee has not yet earned the title but instead has signed up for the challenge.
The Delayed Entry Program (DEP)
You don’t just sign a contract to enlist in the Marine Corps and ship off to Recruit Training the very next day. This is for good reason! Both you and the Marine Corps benefit from this. You benefit because you need time to prepare yourself, physically and mentally. The Marine Corps benefits, because the more prepared an individual is before joining, the less they are to back out or get dropped.
What is the Delayed Entry Program?
The Delayed Entry Program is what an individual will enter after enlisting in the Marine Corps. It is designed to help you prepare for Marine Corps Recruit Training.
How long is the Delayed Entry Program?
The Delayed Entry Program grants you the opportunity to postpone Recruit Training for up to 365 days (in some cases 410 days). This is for reasons such as completing high school, graduating from college, getting all your life affairs in order, and giving you time to prepare!
What will I be doing in the Delayed Entry Program?
Upon entering the DEP program, you will be guaranteed an in-depth program in writing. You and other Poolees will learn and grow together during your time in the DEP.
The Poole Program consists of weekly and monthly activities that are designed to help you prepare for Marine Basic Training and ensure your success.
” The activities range from weekly physical training and individual mentorship sessions with their recruiters to close-order drill practice. All of these activities are used to reduce the attrition, or basic training failure rate, of poolees who reach recruit training.”
Sgt. Tyler Hlavac – Marine.Mil
Aside from the DEP Program, what can I do to prepare for Marine Corps Recruit Training?
Continuing to do your research is a great start. Reading articles like this one and watching youtube videos will give you a better understanding of what to expect.
It is encouraged that you take the Delayed Entry Program seriously. Ask your recruiters questions, challenge them, but show them you are serious about your decision to join! Some ways you can do this is by showing up to all the poolee functions, giving 100%, learning Basic Marine Corps Knowledge (FREE eBook Down Below!), and staying out of trouble.
Whether you’ve already enlisted, or are just considering joining the Marine Corps we at For The Corps are here to help! We have plenty of FREE resources available at your disposal. Don’t forget to check out the YouTube Channel and the many other resources available down below!
*BONUS – As a special gift to you, we would like to give you our FREE Marine Corps Knowledge Handbook (Link down below) that you can download and use to study!
Grab your FREE copy of the Marine Corps Knowledge eBook!

Thanks for stopping by!
Semper Fidelis,
Sergeant (Marine Corps Veteran)
For The Corps
Before you leave, here are some Articles you NEED to Check out!
- What To Ask Your Military Recruiter? Ask These 20 Questions!
- Are You Considering Joining The Marines in 2022? | Don’t Fall VICTIM To This!
- Where Do Marines Live After Boot Camp? | Here Is EVERYWHERE You Will Be Going After Basic Training!
Visit the For The Corps YouTube Channel for more content!